Money Problems? Consider A Viable Home Business
Lots of folks find themselves trapped in what might be called a "Time and Money Bind." That is, they work day after day at their dead-end job, making barely enough to pay their bills. All the while they dream of having their own business, working for themselves, and having the hope of a better life.
But the "Bind" they're in is, they desperately need their jobs to pay the bills, and their jobs just don't allow them the free time necessary to get a business going.
Quitting their current job would be "financial suicide" because there's no possible way they can start a new business that will be profitable from the very beginning..Countless folks suffer from the problem of what might be called a "Time/Money Trap." That is, they're trapped in a job that demands nearly all of their time and energy, but that barely pays the bills (if that). They long for a chance to break out of the trap and start their own business.
But it takes time and energy to start a business ... time and energy they just don't have, precisely because their dead-end job demands too much. But quitting that job just isn't an option because without it, the bills won't get paid.
It's a dilemma for which there appears no way out!
The answer is to find a business opportunity that meets the following criteria:
* A business that can be started in one's spare time and carried out at his own pace
* One that requires a minimum of start-up capital
* One that can begin showing a profit relatively quickly
* Above all else, one that allow the person to maintain his present employment until he's financially secure enough to resign
In brief, a business opportunity that allows the entrepreneur to start small, and keep his job for the time being until he's earning as much or more money as his current job pays. When his new business in bringing in enough income to pay his bills, he can then quit his job and devote full time to his new venture.
While there are doubtless a number of opportunities that meet these criteria, at this time we'll be discussing one possible path to the goal.
One of the very best choices in this regard is the business of Credit Repair, and for good reason! To begin with, it can be a very lucrative business. In fact, there are credit repair agencies that charge from around $795 up to $2,000 or more for their services. Some attorneys will even charge as much as $5,000.
So, as you can see, there's the potential here to make a very good living indeed!
But even though agencies and attorneys charge a great deal of money, there's nothing they do that you can't do yourself. Best of all, you can start with very little money and do it part time while maintaining your current job.
Depending on which state you live in, you may need a license and may be required to be bonded. But you DON'T need to be an attorney, nor do you need any prior experience. Credit repair is easy to learn and easy to do, and with nearly 1 out of every 3 Americans having some kind of credit problems, you'll likely have no trouble finding clients, so you can begin making money in a relatively short time.
A full explanation of the credit repair process would require several pages. But a brief overview is adequate to explain the basic steps involved in the process.
1. Your client gets a copy of his credit report from Actually, he'll get 3 reports ... one from each of the major credit bureaus (TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian).
2. After going over the credit reports with your client, you'll identify information in his reports that is current hurting his credit score.
3. You'll dispute that information by writing letters to each of the 3 bureaus. Under the "Fair Credit Reporting Act" passed by Congress to protect consumers, the bureaus have 30 days to either verify or remove disputed information.
4. In about 30 days or so, your client will receive a reply and updated credit report from each of the bureaus. Then you just keep repeating the process until all negative information has been either verified or corrected.
So as you can see, just about anyone can do this. You don't need to be a lawyer or have an expensive college degree to make a very lucrative living repairing credit.
To get started you'll need to do the following:
First get a good book on credit repair and learn it thoroughly. Don't worry, it's not that complicated, but you do want to be well prepared when you start recruiting clients.
Secondly, find a copy of the "Credit Repair Organizations Act" and familiarize yourself with the laws governing the service you'll be performing.
And while you're doing all this, don't forget ... you can learn at your own pace while you continue with your present job. And when you're ready to start recruiting clients, take on only as many as your spare time allows, until you're making enough money to quit your job.
When you've reached that point, the sky's the limit!
You can grow this business as much as you want to. You might be content making enough for a comfortable living while allowing yourself more leisure time than you previously had (before quitting your job). Or you might want to work full time and earn more.
Finally, if you're really ambitious, you might at some point have more clients than you can handle on your own, and have to hire outside help. While hiring employees presents its own set of problems, it enables you to grow your business beyond what you could working by yourself. And eventually, you could delegate all the "leg work" to others, and spend only as much time as you need to manage your employees.
But however far you grow your business, one thing is for sure. You'll never miss working for someone else while in a low paying, dead-end job!
About the Author
Jim Eastman is support contact for Credit Repair is a realistic and easy-to-learn business well suited to the Entrepreneur. To learn how to earn money in a Credit Repair Business visit and sign up for a free mini-course.
(c) 2006 This article may be freely reprinted provided it is kept intact “as is” including this notice and the resource box. It may not be modified in any way.
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